Student’s visa to the UK is revoked for speaking at a pro-Palestine demonstration

Dana Abuqamar claims that her remarks made during a rally the previous year that sparked suspicion were misrepresented.


A Palestinian student’s visa has been withdrawn by the UK after she took part in a pro-Palestine demonstration at her institution.

After making comments at the protest last year, Dana Abuqamar claimed to Al Jazeera that the Home Office had revoked her visa, viewing her as a “national security” threat.

Abuqamar, the head of the Friends of Palestine organization at the University of Manchester, stated, “During this genocide, the UK Home Office decided to revoke my student visa following public statements supporting the Palestinian right to exercise under international law to resist oppression and break through the siege that was illegally placed on Gaza for over 16 years.”

“The right to free speech is an essential human right, but it doesn’t seem to extend to members of ethnic minorities, especially Muslims and Palestinians like me.”

The 19-year-old law student disclosed last year that she had lost fifteen family members in Israel’s Gaza War.


After Hamas’s October 7 bombings in Israel, last year, Abuqamar, a final-year student, mentioned feeling “pride” during a pro-Palestine event.

She remarked, “We are incredibly happy about what happened.”

She then clarified to the BBC that her remarks had been misinterpreted and that any killing of a “innocent civilian should never be condoned.”

A Nuanced Support for Palestine Emerges
After it was reported that Jewish organizations were endorsing marches in favor of Palestine, an explanation surfaced that further complicates the picture. A SOAS Jewish Society spokesman—possibly the same one who first offered support—spoke to the BBC to allay worries.

She reiterated that people had misunderstood what she had said earlier. Although the Society is in favor of the Palestinian cause, any acts of violence against defenseless civilians are categorically condemned, regardless of the perpetrator. This explanation draws attention to the complex views that some Jewish communities have.

It’s critical to keep in mind that both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have strong emotional attachments to one another. Despite acknowledging the suffering experienced by the Palestinians, many Jews have a strong bond with Israel and its security concerns. The spokesman’s

On October 7, the Gaza-governing faction, Hamas, began an unprecedented offensive into southern Israel. One thousand and three hundred persons were murdered and captured during that attack. It caused the long-running Israel-Palestine conflict to abruptly escalate, igniting Israel’s bloodiest and most recent war on Gaza.

Approximately 35,000 Palestinians have died in the Gaza Strip to date; much of it is in ruins.


In a statement, a Home Office representative informed Al Jazeera that the agency does not comment on specific instances.

However, they stated that in “cases where individuals have engaged in unacceptable or extremist behavior, such as activity that fosters hatred, which may lead to inter-community violence, or where the individual is associated or has been associated with individuals involved in terrorism,” permission to remain could be withdrawn.


A global student-led movement demanding an end to the war has gained support in recent weeks from activists on British university campuses.

However, authorities and several Jewish organizations are criticizing the encampments due to claims of anti-Semitic remarks made during demonstrations, where demands are made for colleges to withdraw their support from businesses who support Israel’s military endeavors.

The University Jewish Chaplaincy service will receive 500,000 pounds ($626,000) in funds to provide welfare services to Jewish students, as revealed by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Thursday. Sunak also asked university administrators to adopt a zero-tolerance policy against bigotry.

Sunak stated, “Universities should be centers of intense discussion as well as strongholds of respect and tolerance for each and every member of their community.”

On our campuses, a noisy minority is interfering with the lives and academic pursuits of their peers and, in certain instances, openly encouraging harassment and anti-Semitic remarks. That needs to end.

The violent college scenes that occur in the United States, complete with significant police crackdowns and skirmishes between protestors and counter-protesters, are not seen in Britain.

Many Jewish researchers and undergraduates participate in the nonviolent marches, according to the British students.

The pro-Palestine marches received backing earlier this week from the Jewish Society at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London and the Cambridge University Jews for Justice in Palestine group

Marches in Support of Palestine Find Unexpected Sources of Support
This week, pro-Palestine marches acquired two unexpected supporters in the form of two Jewish organizations. Both the Cambridge University Jews for Justice in Palestine (JfJP) group and the Jewish Society at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London have declared their support for the Palestinian cause.

In certain Jewish communities, where viewpoints on the Israeli-Palestinian issue can be nuanced and varied, this development represents a change. Numerous Jewish communities have historically supported Israel with steadfastness. These recent statements, however, point to a greater understanding of the Palestinian predicament and a readiness to oppose Israeli policies that are thought to be unfair.

The precise justifications for the backing from these


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